To use this, fill the "Playlists" List Filter with your Spotify playlist/track URIs. However if you want to go the extra step, you can add flags after the URI to tell Alfred how to play your playlist.


  1. Play a playlist (simplest usage)

  2. Play “perk_select” sound effect, pause for 2 seconds, then play a playlist

    spotify:user:aliasless:playlist:6X89JJwvhcJIxDgPITrhl3 sfx:perk_select delay:2
  3. Play “perk_select” sound effect, change lights to red (#e55039), pause for 2 seconds, then play a track at random from a playlist, but only once. And prompt me afterwards with the launcher to select another playlist.

    spotify:user:aliasless:playlist:4nR6nDlHkdOvvCF2uqGq2D prompt delay:2 hue:#e55039 sfx:perk_select persist


Follow the Spotify URI with the flags below, separating each with a space. If the flag requires an argument, put a colon after the flag, followed by the argument (e.g. sfx:perk_select).