Most of the utilities in this workflow are ready to go, however some require a bit of setup.

Sound Effects

Place .aif files in the Workflow folder (right click the Workflow and select “Open in Finder”) for Alfred to be able to find them, then fill the List Filter with these files as the argument (e.g. critical_hit.aif would be critical_hit). If you'd like the sound effect to play immediately, no further action is required; otherwise, add the fade flag after the argument (e.g. critical_hit fade).

Note: File names must not contain spaces.

Philips Hue

This is a fairly rudimentary setup for giving Alfred access to your Philips Hue lights in order to change the colour. The Playlists workflow can also piggyback off of this workflow to trigger a light change with a given playlist.

The setup process looks like this:

  1. Press the button on your Philips Hue Bridge.
  2. Provide the workflow with the IP of your Philips Hue Bridge.
  3. Select which light on your network you would like to control.
  4. The light will turn off, if you selected the right light then confirm your choice.
  5. You're done 🙂